How to cure psoriasis forever? Causes of psoriasis and its treatment.

This disease the person acquires for all of life, surviving from the rotation of the recurrence and remission. Before you write your article spoke to me a lot with patients with psoriasis about their methods of healing. And today these recipes I'm going to share with You.

the treatment of psoriasis

Psoriasis. The causes of the disease

Causes of psoriasis, in general, science does not know. To this day, on which there are only versions and guesses, which, however, is based on direct observation and experience of many years. Distinguish hereditary and acquired psoriasis. The modern scientific research, the advances in the development of allergy, immunology, gave to understand that he developed this disease, such as an allergic reaction to the presence in the body of the person exotic antigens: parasites, micro-organisms, not bacteria, and allergens. During the study of the causes of psoriasis investigated the blood of 40 people with psoriasis. The results surprised: in 80% of patients with exacerbation of the disease has caused the infection by fungi, in 60% of bacterial infection (staphylococcus, streptococcus), 20% – food, home, the, drugs, allergens. In the village the psoriasis is known as the scaly versicolor, which manifests itself in the form of small pink knots on the surface of the skin, no larger pin head. But, these nodules have a tendency of rapid growth. At the beginning, the small, which merge together, forming plaques, the surface of which is covered by a large number of scales of silver white color. These flakes pretty easy to fall apart-hence the name of "flake versicolor". Always as the ringworm of the flake manifests itself with itching, and if you even slightly scratch weapons influenced by the disease a place, scales easily depart, opening-red (in severe forms - wet) and bright on the surface that are visible to the speakers drops of blood. This is one of the signs of psoriasis. Rash, often appears in the area of the elbows and knees, less in the head, but severe illness, strikes the chest, back and groin parts of the body. If the rash is extensive, you can see the redness and the swelling. Cracks and itching. General weakness, pain in the joints. On the emotional level usually occurs irritability, decreased or lack of appetite, sleep disorders, and sometimes raises the temperature of the body. Psoriasis is not just a skin disease! Psoriasis is essentially reflected in the work of the central nervous system and the glands of internal secretion, in the exchange of substances. It is believed that their appearance can cause frequent colds, chronic sinusitis, periodontal disease and dental caries. Psoriasis are inherent clinical phase, with the characteristics, distinguishing features:

  1. The progressive stage, is expressed as exacerbation of symptoms, and acute of the disease.
  2. It sets the stage has a picture of clinical and pronounced in the signs.

The hallmark of exudative psoriasis is clearly expressed by the inflammatory process is manifested by the presence of multiple layers of platelets and of the crusts that cover the weeping surface. More heavy type of psoriasis is pustular psoriasis. This occurs in the heavier soils of the stress situations and infectious diseases. Pustular psoriasis is an acute in accompanied by fever, leukocytosis. The pustules (converted scales and plates) take up large areas of the body, causing detachment of the epidermis, which is accompanied by a strong burning and purulent process. This type of psoriasis can be found even in the palms and soles.

Treatment of psoriasis is quite diverse. For the light of the manifestation of the disease is enough, the exterior of the therapy. To do this, use drying extenuating ointments, such as salicylic acid ointment, prepared from tar and naftalan, adaptogens. Also the local treatment of the skin includes antiseptics natural (100% tea tree oil – that are added to shampoos and gels for the body wash). But this is just an event, they reduce local inflammation, but substantially do not affect the cause of the disease. But, severe forms require comprehensive treatment, comprised of a detoxification and antisense-specific funds. This treatment is only possible in the hospital.

In the treatment of psoriasis a great emphasis on the feeding regime. Of the diet excludes products with a greater amount of cholesterol (this fatty meats, liver, kidney, egg yolk), exclude salty and spicy. Instead, he proposes the ear of wheat, oats, buckwheat, dairy products, fruits and vegetables. It is still useful juice of birch, as a drug that cleanses the blood (1 to 2 cups / day), effective vitamin infusions of the fruit of the rosehip, gooseberry, nettle. In the diet include salads of parsley and the dandelion, which was previously soaked in 10% saline over 30 minutes.

It must be remembered that the treatment of psoriasis must necessarily be complex. Due to the fact that its appearance must be mental disorder and neurosises, recommend it as a soothing tool to take tincture of valerian, in severe cases - antidepressants and tranquilizers. Necessary are products of systems of stabilization of the renal function and liver, means allergy.

Psoriasis. The recipes of traditional medicine

Popular medicine has its point of view on the scaly versicolor, for the treatment of the use of easy access, and no less effective recipes of vegetable origin, the so-called steroids, in particular, the root of licorice naked, a teaspoon of which is poured a glass of water and boil for 10 minutes, then an hour insist. Take 1 tablespoon spoon up to 5 times a day.

To ensure the stimulation of the adrenal glands and antihistamines using the extract of a succession of tripartite, 1 tablespoon of the which is poured 200 ml of boiling water and simmered until ? of the original volume. Accept as-tincture 10 to 30 drops three times a day for 30 minutes before meals for 2 weeks.

For the stimulation of the metabolism and increase the body's defences are prescribed extract of aloe, the leaves that form after 12 days of the tincture in a dark place at a temperature of 6 to 8 degrees, biogenic stimulators, amino acids, enzymes, trace elements and vitamins. Fresh, canned aloe juice is taken for 1 h. the spoon three times a day half an hour before eating. The fresh juice and mashed leaves are close to the affected areas of the skin.

For the normalization of lipid metabolism in the body recommended by these means: 1.The decoction of plantain: 1St spoon pour a glass of boiling water and cook for 5 minutes on low heat. Then insist hour and strain. Take 1st tablespoon three times a day for 15 minutes before the meal. 2.The decoction of dandelion medical:1 the spoon of dessert, pour a glass of water and boil 5 minutes, strain and take 1-3 tablespoons of teaspoon three times a day for 15 minutes before the meal. With the aim of regulating the metabolism of carbohydrates used for the cooking of the root of the dandelion: 1 tablespoon, fill with 300 ml of water, boil for 7 minutes and take 1/2 cup three times a day.

And as an anti-inflammatory used a mixture of: a grass of a violet three-coloured -10 grams and the grass ChiStcalving - 10 grams pour 300 ml of water, kept in a water bath to 20 minutes. Take 1/4 of a cup three times a day for 20 minutes before the meal. For the treatment of psoriasis in folk medicine, there are recipes for ointments.


Most effective prescriptions for lenka and birch tar for the treatment of psoriasis.

Recipe 1: top of the grass lenka, you need to grind into powder, adding the lard in a ratio of 1:3 (better to use a bone of the fat). Hot the finish of the ointment on a water bath for 20 minutes and grease the sick plots.

Recipe 2: take 60 g birch tar, 40 g of petroleum jelly, 50% of the tincture of alcohol sophora. All mix and insist in a dark place for 12 days, shaking every day. Then, grease the affected area. Also drink the oil of pumpkin seeds in the morning on an empty stomach half an hour before eating. – 5 months, and Allohol of the statement.

For the lubrication of zoom in and butter (kiosks, pharmaceutical drug). At all stages of the psoriasis are effective shared bathroom, temperature of 38 degrees, the tincture of the tail, the chamomile. We recommend frequent body wraps affected places and ointment (medicinal herbs). After it, the body does not peels off and does not itch, and have given to drink quietly (for the comments of a patient of psoriasis with 50 years of experience of the disease).

It is important to know that when psoriasis occurring functional and morphological changes in human beings: the disorders of metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Therefore, patients should be subjected to a permanent clinic supervision and receive support vitaminoterapiyu, especially in the winter and spring periods. Management and treatment of psoriasis will give the chance of durable remission. Greetings!